Previews |
Design Act at Winzavod
Design Act is a festival of industrial design which takes place in Moscow every August following the steps of its counterparts.
A musical homage to Yevgeniy Svetlanov
Great pages of the classical operetta.
Alexander Kiselev
Russian landscape painter.
Exhibition of Greek Orthodox religious paintings
For Orthodox Russia it is difficult to overestimate the role icons have always played.
Photography of the erupting Eyjafjallajokull
The Hot Breath of the Planet.
Budapest Fine Arts Museum at the Pushkin Museum
There are masterpieces among the Masterpieces.
Sand castles in Moscow
Incredibly, all of these figures are made of‑sand! Don’t be surprised. This exhibition, called Holy Russia, presents monumental sand sculpture.
The Soviet Man Today
A recent study by an American watchdog organisation, Freedom House, showed that in the past decade, no country in Europe has undergone a sharper decline in democracy than Russia.
Culture |
Everything Stops for Tea
Russia is one of the world’s great teadrinking nations and in Moscow all sorts of teas can be taken.
Out and About |
Handel and Guests are Entertained at the Palace at Ostankino
George Frideric Handel, with a bottle of claret, explaining to a full house at Count Sheremetyevo’s private theatre in the palace at Ostankino.
Clubs |
“Moscow’s Nightlife Likes to Sing”
First off I’d like to thank everyone for the positive feedback and support for my article in the July issue of PASSPORT magazine.
Ðóññêèé ÿçûê |
Russian Language
How to… negotiate the hairdresser’s.
Your Moscow |
Green Parts – the North West
Our summer breath of fresh air in Moscow’s expansive green lungs takes us further this month, to the celebrated holiday islands upstream of the city.
A Walk Around Moscow’s Boulevard Ring
On a steamy summer day, look for cooling beauty no further than the lush treelined Boulevard Ring.
Art |
Soviet art of the 1960s, part II
The cultural life of the 1960s Moscow underground artistic elite was a unique home-grown phenomenon.
The Way It Was |
Exit from Afghanistan
Helen Womack, who many readers may know for her work as Moscow correspondent of The Independent and Moscow Times columnist in the 1990s, was working for Reuters in 1989.
1989 saw the beginning of the end. The election of a parliament made the dismantling og the Soviet apparatus possible.
RBCC conference on corporate governance
Many fascinating thoughts were provoked and discussed at a recent seminar held jointly by the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce and the National Council on Corporate Governanace.
Book Review |
Catherine the Great
A lady who after-lunched.
Interview |
With Domenico At Cantinetta Antinori
Front of house in the stratosphere
Economy |
Tipping Point
It seems that every newscast I see in Russia or abroad, such issues as naked shorts selling, decrease in GDP, unemployment rates, price per barrel of oil, the list goes on and on, are discussed.
Real Estate |
How To Rent Accommodation The Right Way ‑ Legal Tips
Every day, several hundred people in Moscow rent accommodation.
Foreign Clients Prefer Pre-revolutionary Buildings
The economic situation in Russia is stabilizing after the crisis.
Travel |
Until recently the small town of Staritsa was known mainly to well-informed travellers, and was almost a secret to the general public.
Kuala Lumpur
Surprizing Kuala Lumpur
Family |
Rhymes For Children
Birds, Bears & Buns - Beware! Incy Wincy Spider.
Puzzles Compiled by Ross Hunter
Tourists’ Moscow. All roads lead to .... Round and round in circles. Mini Sudoku.
Restaurant Review |
La Maree
Tunisian Tide – Second Wave
My World |
Psychic Octupii
...Rapist Whales and Gender Bending Trout
Dare to ask Dare
Expats and Russians alike ask celebrity columnist Deidre Dare questions about life in Moscow.