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Contents of issue September 2004


Living Here

Arbat, My Arbat
This month’s neighborhood feature looks at Moscow’s classic pedestrian street, the Old Arbat.

Big Adventures on the Small Screen
First Peter Gerwe brought FM radio to Russia, then he built Russia’s third-largest TV network from scratch - and had to fight oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky to keep control of it.

Town of Second Chances
Three families from a tight-knit Pennsylvania community came to Moscow this summer to adopt Russian children. Their stories pitomize what adopting Russian children is all about.
Beyond the Ring

Ghosts of the Solovki
Located just south of the Arctic Circle, the Solovetsky Islands are a place of mesmerizing beauty. But the jewels of the White Sea will forever be associated with their tragic past.
Practical Moscow

Rug-Buying for Dummies
PASSPORT’s exclusive guide to buying carpets at Izmailovo. How to get what you want for the right price.
The Arts

Back to Nature
Visitors to this year’s Klyazma Art Festival will find the view from atop a meandering steel structure to be out of this world. For the architectural team that created it, the sky’s the limit.

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