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Contents of issue July 2009

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Augsburg in the Kremlin
Go West. World Press Photo. Hasta Siempre! Classical Ballet. Elza’s Ocean Flood. Cirque Nouveau.

Human Computer Meets Journalists at Imperial Tailoring
This meeting, called "Seminar on Mathematics Through Mind Dynamics" was hold on the 10th of June in the context of The Year of India in Russia at Imperial Tailoring shop.
BlackBerry Comes Technology 46 July 2009 to Russia
Everybody knows that Barak Obama was the first BlackBerry man to be elected President of the United States.
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Russian Lesson
How to: negotiate your way around the supermarket.

The Past is Still Ahead
On May 21, the Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow presented an outstanding cross-cultural event.
Art History

Viktor Ufimtsev: The Archive
The GaleevGallery is currently displaying the archive of artist Viktor Ufimtsev (1899-1964) – diaries, photos, drawings, collages and paintings, which have become accessible only recently.
Vladimir Dubossarsky and Alexander Vinogradov
Vladimir Dubossarsky and Alexander Vinogradov created their “Seasons of Russian Painting” series especially for display at the Tretyakov Gallery’s Krymsky Val museum.

In the 14 years that CINE FANTOM has been around, it has become a respected film screening and discussion club.
High Days and Holidays

July Holidays
In mid-summer, there are fewer official state holidays. The red dates on the calendar give way to numerous professional, historical and religious dates marking the time of harvest.
Hot Topic

The Right to Be
It is hard to feel at home in your own country when the popular expression of who and what you are is “unnatural”.
Cover Story

Green Shoots Sprout in Russia
For the majority of Russians, the idea of sustainability, green buildings and the like are not exactly considered to be vitally important.
Book Review

Oil and Grease
Oilopoly should be required reading for everyone who is in love with money.
Real Estate

‘Your Moscow’
Guides of Moscow are packed full of information, however not many of them will give you the low-down you actually need to decide on where to live.
Real Estate
“Apart from the rent, what bills do I have to pay, and why can’t I get them all included in the rental price?”

A Moving Wish-list
Any expat who has been posted to different locations around the world knows that moving your personal belongings across the road, to another town or even to the other side of the world is a daunting task.

Tourism in Russia
Last month I was invited to give a talk at the 9th Annual Moscow International Tourist Exposition.
The “Ruler of the East”: Vladivostok
After 9 hours, seven time zones, two airline meals and no sleep I found myself still in the same country standing on the tarmac of Vladivostok airport.

Skopin Pottery
“We don’t see anything equal to these works of Russian folk art among other peoples’ sculpture or earthenware.”

Scandinavian Tapas and Spanish Wines
This month we decided to go back to Night Flight for our Spanish wine tasting, and give Chef Michael Willuhn a chance to serve us some Scandinavian tapas and Night Flight’s classic Planksteak.

Diary of a Tsar-in-Waiting
The audience at last night’s private concert by ABBA, the Swedish fogey-pop band, was small.

Interview with Rosemary Hilhorst OBE
Director, British Council Russia, Cultural Counsellor of the British Embassy.
Residence permit

Part II of our series on how to get a resident’s permit
In the first installment of this series on getting a residence permit I described how the application process is initiated.
Out and About

British Business Club On the River
It was “jolly boating weather” when the British Business Club sailed “doon the watter” for its May evening this year.
RBCC go Norwegian
The Russo-British Chamber of Commerce hosted a networking evening in early June jointly with the Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce at the Katerina-City Hotel, near Paveletskaya Station.
Moscow Mellow Divas Summer Concert
On June 5 at St. Andrews Church, Moscow, the 9th Moscow Mellow Divas summer concert was held.
Diema’s Dreams Come True
On June 2009 Diema’s Dream charity foundation held its annual Benefit Auction of Art “Dreams 2009” in GUM.
Vino I Formaggio
On the May 20 the Canadian-Russian business association CERBA together with the Italian Business Association Italiani a Mosca held a joint social event “Vino e Formaggio”.
Rain, Nature and Jazz
The first summer weekend in Moscow is traditionally dedicated to jazz.
The Last Word

Naomi Britz
Those of you who have studied Russian may have met Naomi Britz, founder of the Ruslingua language school.

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